Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our production is currently on hiatus.  
We hope to be back soon!

July 2019

fun irreverent and absolutely fun show

My husband and I were staying at Paris and we wanted to see a show that was close by. I honestly had NO idea what to expect. The whole cast had us laughing for the entire hour they graced us with their presence! The cast involved the audience to a hilarious degree, and that made the show even more outstanding. But the best part was the end, and Ladies - oh what an end it was!!! I HIGHLY recommend seeing Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man. You will not be disappointed!!!!

Anila Rahim
Houston, TX
July 2019

fun irreverent and absolutely fun show

My husband and I were staying at Paris and we wanted to see a show that was close by. I honestly had NO idea what to expect. The whole cast had us laughing for the entire hour they graced us with their presence! The cast involved the audience to a hilarious degree, and that made the show even more outstanding. But the best part was the end, and Ladies - oh what an end it was!!! I HIGHLY recommend seeing Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man. You will not be disappointed!!!!

Anila Rahim
Houston, TX

There was not a single minute that will go without laughing. My stomach was hurting laughing. The fun part was they were engaging the audience in the show."

- Anila R

We loved this show! My husband roared with laughter throughout the entire show. (Yes, we even tried some of the tips.) Awesome show!"

- Heidi B

The show was nonstop laughter from start to finish in an intimate venue that made you feel like they were performing a private show for you. This is a MUST SEE SHOW when in Las Vegas."

- Camden A.

Hilarious show. Great cast. Wonderful Time. We couldn’t ask for a more entertaining evening. Cast was interactive and very talented. We’ve recommended this show to everyone we’ve met."

- Ang2127

I love how the actors engaged the crowd, the actors and actresses made the storyline exciting and the show made un-anticipated and fun turns through the whole experience!"

- Joseph M

Highly recommend if you're ready for some dirty laughs. It was hilarious and is now a great memory! The show is scripted but at the same time there is a lot of improv and they do a great job!"

- Donnie N

This was both a hilarious and a wonderful show. We couldn't stop laughing throughout the entire show. We ended up quoting the show throughout the rest of our Vegas stay, Curvy Derby!"

- AANN19

I honestly had NO idea what to expect. The whole cast had us laughing for the entire hour! I HIGHLY recommend seeing Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man. You will not be disappointed!!!!"

- amartocchio

There was not a single minute that will go without laughing. My stomach was hurting laughing. The fun part was they were engaging the audience in the show. Highly recommended. Made my trip to Vegas with my hubby."

- Anila R.

It was a highlight of our trip! The show was so funny and everyone was having a good time. I'm coming back to Vegas next month and the first thing we are doing is coming to see this show again. Can't wait!"

- Danny2020

The crowd was pretty diverse: straight, gay, young, middle-aged and older too, so just a lot of fun. Ultimately the shows about getting in touch with your desires and communicating those desires with the significant other(s) in your life!"

- Michael D.

The point of view about women and sex from a gay guy is spot on. The audience gets to participate in some of the show, my husband even laughed out loud at some of the jokes, so I’m confident you’ll enjoy this show."

- burbell

Man, we were definitely not disappointed! I would definitely recommend it to any locals looking for a little break away from the norm! You really can’t go wrong!"

- Torres413

The show is a fun journey with lots of great moments. If you want to have a great time out in Vegas definitely check out this show!"

- Paul C

Haven't laughed that genuinely hard in ages! It is brilliantly written and the performances are phenomenal! Grab your love or a group and friends and treat yourself to an absolutely unforgettable evening! Would see it again in a heartbeat!"

- D H.

Kendra On Top, Girls Next Door

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

begins may 27th, at paris las Vegas!


"the straight woman"

"the gay man"

and... "this guy"

"Big Laughs and Naughty Fun!"

- Las Vegas Magazine

"A laugh-out-loud hilarious and
wild show."

- Robin Leach, Las Vegas Review-Journal

"An uproariously funny series of interactive demonstrations, Sex Tips is one of the best date-night shows you'll see this year!"

- Theatermania

Voted Best Comedy for Couples, Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man has been sharing its interactive, upbeat brand of comedy with theater audiences all across America for nearly a decade!

Following smash-hit runs in Las Vegas and New York City where it became Off-Broadway's longest-running comedy, this “uproariously funny” show is finally bringing its "big laughs and naughty fun" to Chicago's Greenhouse Theater Center in the heart of Lincoln Park.

Hailed by critics as “one of the best date-night shows of the year", Sex Tips has recently been showcased on television in three different reality series whose stars performed in the show, including Kendra On Top, Real Housewives of New York, and Shahs of Sunset.  The popularity of this production is no surprise given its source material is the international best-selling book of the same title, which has been published in over 50 different countries and translated into 17 different languages.

See you at the theater!

Kendra Wilkinson and Michael Milton, Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man, Las Vegas

group sales

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